The Spirit of Snow

The Spirit of snow

highlights the love of line

the loving grace of trees in winter

bare and spiritual

the horses a gift of color

in otherwise black and white

25 responses

  1. There may be times where we see all in black and white but if we take a closer look we will discover the colour, rainbow colours in-between.

    And winter expresses silence to colour our thoughts…

    Thanks for sharing, my dear Ellen 🙂
    All good wishes

    Liked by 2 people

    January 5, 2019 at 1:40 PM

    • Beautifully put, Didi!! Thank you so much for adding your profound thoughts! xxellen

      Liked by 2 people

      January 5, 2019 at 10:36 PM

      • Welcome, dear Ellen 🙂
        Let us be aware of every second then nothing can come to surprise us, not even painful things or things that makes us usually suffer – for once we have accepted it – as all as it is – the pain loses its quality. And if our attention is not anchored in the very presence, the very moment, then we are attacked by our own mind as it finds the weakness in us.

        A big hug to you, my dear friend

        Liked by 1 person

        January 6, 2019 at 2:04 AM

    • Dear Didi,
      Your words are like rain in the desert. I am just taking a break from Sadhguru to go here and saw what you said and so similar to what he is saying. I thank you. I am trying to escape the pitfalls of the mind. The mind is the source of suffering and going round in endless circles. Thank you so very much,

      Liked by 2 people

      January 7, 2019 at 8:45 PM

      • My dear Ellen,

        We have to make sure that we really follow a competent Master or Guru. You know there are 100000 of socalled masters who even claim that they are the master. A competent Master never would say from himself: I am the Master but he gives all credit to his Master who has proved to him his competency. Some so-called masters have also some astral power with which they try to bind the seeker after truth. For them it is important to have a huge numbers of followers, not so much important the quality of a single follower. When I was searching for the truth I fell victim to a so-called guru or master, but he could not give me this: to go beyond the body consciousness as a first hand experience to see the inner light and hear the inner sound which I got from my Master. It is like a blind leads a blind. God Himself has taken me out of this illusion, to be in the clutch of a so-called master and lead to me to a competent Master – in this case I could see a real huge difference between a so-called master and a competent Master through whom God is working and I am very thankful to my Master. As long as we have doubts then there is something wrong, we are not really convinced. My Master used to say: “Do not believe in the Master until you SEE yourself…” – because seeing is believing. Rumi, Shamez e Tabrez, Hafiz, Christ, Sant Kirpal Singh, Guru Nanak, Kabir and more competent Masters from different times and different religions – they all had the same experience, the experience of the inner Light and Sound – they all have started to analyze themselves to get to know their own mind and with the help and grace of God to overcome it, to control it. Mind, Maya, illusion this all belongs to the negative power and the negative power has the only interest to keep the souls in his realm that they may not escape that they have to come again and again in the wheel of death and life as his prisoner .Nowadays spirituality, meditation and yoga of any kind has come into fashion and people follow blindly without really knowing – and are even proud of what they do… truth goes another way: it is beyond show and pretending – it goes the silent way within without the interference of the mind. Once we get aware of the competence of a true Master we can fully surrender in trust and confidence to Him – then we also understand that karmic reactions from the past present us open bills we still have to pay – in this case we calmly accept to eat the fruit once we have sawn ourselves. Then suffering loses its quality and is also easier to bear.

        From heart to heart

        Liked by 1 person

        January 7, 2019 at 11:32 PM

      • From heart to heart, dear Didi, I am so touched by your concern and I know it is born of the truth. I have tried many masters, thinking it a failure on my part to follow directions or to commit. I started with Yogananda who I think is a saint and who rekindles in me feelings of closeness to God but I wanted and need a live master. Then I went to Mooji and from him to Sadhguru and Daaji. Daaji may be the one. He charges no money and he is so humble. I still listen to Sadhguru because of his intelligence and because through him, I have come to understand Maya and see the monkey mind, but I DO have doubts about him although I love him. I think really it is a failure in myself. Part of this, and I have found no master who addresses this, is that I am on psychiatric medication for Bipolar Disorder for years now. It keeps me from the mental hospital but it also keeps me from the wonderful closeness to God I used to be able to feel. All you say makes so much sense, about karma and suffering. Thank you so much, dear Didi. I have resigned myself to the fact that my life will probably close with me not finding the right path. Still I pursue Daaji and his practice of meditation and cleaning. In any case, my deepest thanks to you for your caring and concern and for describing your experience. THANK YOU, from heart to heart. xx ellen

        Liked by 1 person

        January 8, 2019 at 10:27 PM

      • My dear Ellen,
        It is good to have some doubts which comes from our intellect: my Master used to say as I a have already said: “Do not believe in the Master until you see yourself…” First, we should know the theoretical aspect of the universal teaching that all competent Masters have taught. If Daaji can give you a first hand experience of Light and Sound through the middle way, if you have this experience yourself, then the doubts will vanish. This is something like cash money a competent Master can give us, where we can start and increase this treasure until to the point where we are able to see face to face the competent Master inside us, where we can even talk with Him… As you got in touch with my Master’s teaching He surely will take care of you too and develop a good background for you. Some day, when we have to leave the body – the soul will remember all what is necessary for her.

        The are so many forms of meditations and yogas – where to they lead us to: most of them end up in the astral plane and a few in the causal plane, only above the three worlds (physical, astral and causal plane) we will reach the realm of pure consciousness without any matter and dust. The competent Masters warn if we mediate and lose us in the astral world (excessive light, where there is home for black and white magice, where there is the so called heaven and the hell) we are bound to those powers giving us some so called “experiences” – they want to be paid back for what they have given us…

        Once a competent Master went with his disciples to the forest and one disciple saw a worm with lots of ants around eating the worm. Master said: “This was a so-called master, now his disciples are eating him…”

        Sometimes we are like fish in the water and search for the water or go to the forest and search for the trees… God is in each of us and we consciously have to go back to our Home eternal.

        May God bless you and your family my dear friend.
        From heart to heart

        Liked by 1 person

        January 9, 2019 at 12:04 AM

      • Some more words:
        A true or competent Master is very rarely to be found , there is maybe one in a billion. What brings us also closer to God is yearning, yearning for truth, for His love. If this yearning is strong, God will take arrangements to bring you in closer contact to Him.

        Much love and light to you, my friend 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        January 9, 2019 at 12:18 AM

      • Yes, Yogananda said this very thing. God is shy and he wants us to yearn for him and long for him. I am caught up in love for my husband and a couple of other people and, while I know who I love in them is God, I can’t get close to God like I did as a child before the medications and trappings of the world took over. I was brought up Protestant and then Catholic and those religions put the fear of God into me. Not the loving shy God I loved at one time. The medication gave me walls but walled off some of His love. This is what I must work on now. I thank you so much for caring so much to write all this. But I must find my way to do this.

        From heart to heart, thank you so very much!!

        Liked by 2 people

        January 9, 2019 at 10:03 PM

      • My dear Ellen,

        This love you have to your husband is also a kind of love to God – true love is never separated from God – so this is one very positive thing that you you have a strong love to your husband and surely wise versa too, this alone is a Grace of God beside your other problems. If you see in everyone God as God is in everyone, more love will devolp (do not see the mind working in people as it is also said: God hates the sins, but loves the sinner). The right point of view will help you in this matter. I had to go through similar fights with my faith within the protestant creed: when I was young I was an antheist for some years – just because of this that people have made their own interpretation of God’s love and started to blackmail people: “if you do not do this you will go into hell and if you do that, you also go to hell” – however, God has lead me back on the path and later I started to understand and was provided with: seeing is believing… and had many experiences.

        Dear Ellen, God is very close to you, you only have to open your eyes and hears – why we suffer it has a reason…

        God may bless you my dear friend and give you courage and strength.

        From heart to heart

        Liked by 1 person

        January 10, 2019 at 9:06 AM

      • Yes, I see strong love is love of God. But I have trouble seeing the love in everyone. Some people have taken advantage of me and it is hard to see God in them. I know I must, not only for them, but for my own sake. Interesting that you were an atheist. There is hope then maybe for me, too. I found this quote from Yogananda which I think you will like… “Although you find glimpses of the Divine, don’t be satisfied; go deeper with in, and you will sit on the brink of eternity facing God.” Isn’t that beautiful. I see God in you, dear Didi. In your caring. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. May God bless you and your family. From ❤ to <3, ellen

        Liked by 1 person

        January 10, 2019 at 8:37 PM

      • My dear Ellen,

        Indeed, it is very difficult to jump over one’s own shadow – the shadow is our mind – it sees the mistakes in others and can hardly forgive and forget. The love of God is like the Sun shining permanently, but the mind are like clouds between the sun and us (our soul) – from the level of the mind it is really difficult to accept others who have done harm to us (in words, thoughts or deeds) – but one we know that this is just another illusion in us, then we can go beyond this and see God in all from the level of the soul. “Every Saint has his past and every sinner his future…” – yes, we may not have a stillstand in our spiritual development and should go on further and deeper – this is becoming more and more consciousness.

        Thanks, dear Ellen, for sharing this quote by Yogananda 🙂

        The more we think in a positive the more the negative way cannot have so much influence on us…

        Hugs from my heart to yours, dear friend.
        From heart to heart


        January 10, 2019 at 10:56 PM

      • Thank you, dear Didi. What you describe is exactly what I must learn right now. Thank you so much for all you have written. I will reread when I need to– which is often right now. I am going through a kind of cleansing from “friends”. More important is to read your words and others’ and put them into practice. I do appreciate all you have said and will digest it now. Hugs to you, dear Didi. May some joy surprise you tonight if it is night where you are. Or today. ❤ your friend, ellen

        Liked by 1 person

        January 11, 2019 at 8:28 PM

      • Welcome, my dear sister Ellen 🙂
        Wishing you all what is good for you (to say it with Dr. Harbhans words)
        Big hugs and good progress on your path which needs awareness in the very moment what we do, right understanding and developing love towards our Father.
        From heart to heart

        Liked by 1 person

        January 12, 2019 at 1:57 AM

      • Thank you, Didi, very much. I am in contact with the Father through your words and an old friend who just came back into my life yesterday with a book for me by her guru which I am reading. I am letting go of some bad relationships for now and seeing where the Father will lead me. I appreciate your holding my hand and guiding me. Wishing you all what is good for you!! Hugs & ❤ ellen

        Liked by 1 person

        January 13, 2019 at 8:22 PM

      • My dear Ellen,

        Be always on the alert that you are not kept in wrong hands. Make a prayer to God and ask Him to guide you in this matter. I myself cannot guide anyone, but God in me is able to do so and as He is in you too, just ask Him whole-heartedly to guide you and proctect you from false pathes.

        We should understand that a compentent Master is very very rare in this world, maybe one in a billion. Now as we are coming into the Golden Age, a living Master is no longer needed. This God-power, Guru-power, Christ-power, Master-power is working directly, however as you can see there are hundred thousands of false phrophets and so-called masters. We should be very careful not to be a victim of them…

        Thank you, my dear friend and take care.
        Hugs and love

        Liked by 1 person

        January 13, 2019 at 10:39 PM

  2. Lovely!

    Liked by 2 people

    January 5, 2019 at 4:33 PM

  3. A beautiful reflection Ellen.

    Liked by 2 people

    January 6, 2019 at 4:59 PM

  4. Wonderful 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    January 10, 2019 at 1:46 AM

  5. Thanks, Joshi. Haven’t seen posts from you for awhile. Will take a look. Hope to find them. xx ellen


    January 10, 2019 at 1:28 PM

  6. Beautiful. Love your haunting winter-scapes — both photographic and painted in words.

    Liked by 2 people

    January 14, 2019 at 2:36 AM

  7. That’s a beautiful shot, Ellen. Gorgeous palette.
    I hope you’re well. x x x

    Liked by 3 people

    July 11, 2019 at 7:55 AM

  8. Thank you, Ashley. Thanks for visiting. I just saw your comment now. I am having a hard time with migraines. Not taking pictures. Closed the INstagram account after men started making comments that were suggestive. Haven’t been blogging or reading the blogs. No writing. Just trying to deal with life and take care of my husband who, knock wood, is okay but don’t get out much to take pictures. Have turned into a hermit. Maybe Fall will be better. How are YOU???? Hope you’re okay. xxx ellen


    August 13, 2019 at 10:28 AM

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