Posts tagged “Terrorism

That Extra Squeeze


Hold your dear ones a little closer today

Give them an extra squeeze as you say goodbye


Rejoice in making their breakfasts

and doing their dishes

and mending their socks

or working in a job you hate

to keep them

housed, clothed and fed

For the work you do means

they are still alive


The horror of terror

has struck again

on our soil

What is de rigeur

in other countries

has happened here

and shaken us

out of our complacency

Terror “there”

is now terror “here”


Hold your dear ones a little closer today

Give them an extra squeeze as you say goodbye

For after yesterday

many cannot


And pray for the first responders

and their families

the unhailed heroes of our land

who face bad odds everyday


Hold your dear ones a little closer today

Give them your blessing as you say goodbye

For each goodbye could be the last

has always been true

but terrorism has taken that truth

and shoved it in your face


Hold your dear ones a little closer today