Posts tagged “Poetry

A Short Winter’s Tale

I cry red berries

wash them with teardrops

So you can eat them in the morning

with your breakfast

as you listen so intently

to the news on the TV

I want lifetimes

with you…

Without you

I would be

shivering in the snow




Beginnings & Endings

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No one in my family liked summer.  Probably because we lived in New York City and summer is not fun there.  Moving upstate changed all that– up to a point…though I must admit to a weakness for those beautiful June days when the temperature reaches perfection, the sky is blue with fluffy clouds, and a soporific breeze wafts through the trees.  And true, one has much more time with the four or five extra hours of sunlight. Still in all, when the first hints of fall come I am bordering on ecstatic. 

First there is the change in light.  The sun, still hot in mid-September, does not pack the punch it did in July, when one could be outdoors for an hour and come in with a change in skin color. Temperatures cool.  The grass does not grow as fast.  The “blood” of the trees starts to flow back into the trunk causing leaves to change color. Walnuts, acorns and apples fall.  The bats leave for warmer climes, giving us yet another chance to plug up holes inside to keep them outside next summer.   Ads start to appear in early August for “Back to School” specials, bringing the butterflies, that were so rampant outdoors in August, inside the stomach of many a child.  Even adults are not immune.  Many grown people feel the flutter of back-to-school anxiety come fall.  After all September means “back to school” for many, many years.  Time to “honker down” again and mean business.  Fall offers a new beginning and there is a tinge of excitement added to the anxiety in facing something new.

And most of all, fall is a time of riotous color, when a walk in the woods finds one reveling like a drunk, besotted by the yellow, orange, crimson, russet world which our eyes imbibe like a hefty cocktail.  It is a time when Italian comes to the lips in a loud “Que bella!! (“How beautiful!!”)  The green of summer is bucolic and raises the spirit, but the many colors of fall intoxicate.  People start talking of peak color, and leafing becomes the pastime of many.  It is the time to plant bulbs and endlessly rake blowing leaves.

But fall is a time of melancholia, too. Flowers die.  Reptiles go into hibernation.  Insects die or overwinter.  Songbirds migrate.  Trees eventually loose their leaves.  Anxiety over new beginnings can be uncomfortable.  And the end of the lazy days of summer brings with it shorter days, longer nights, and possible depression for many people.  Moments of sobriety seep into intoxication with the new world of color as we may remember loved ones who can no longer share the beauty…who can no longer enjoy those cool, crisp days in September when coolness brushes the cheeks… days so coveted in August.  For autumn is a celebration of endings, too, perhaps best described by the French poet, Guillaume Appolinaire, in his poem Autumn:

     A bow-legged peasant and his ox receding
Through the mist slowly through the mists of autumn
Which hides the shabby and sordid villages

And out there as he goes the peasant is singing
A song of love and infidelity
About a ring and a heart which someone is breaking

Oh the autumn the autumn has been the death of summer
In the mist there are two gray shapes receding

Starlight, Starbright

Another reblog…


Starlight through the skylight
Moonlight just above the roof
Fireflies flickering flames
Random to our eyes
In a dizzying mercurial display
Flitting to the tune
Of trilling frogs
And the flutter of batwings
I see goblins in the windows
Alone would be terrified
With you here beatified
By the beauty of the silence
Punctuated by the frogs
Spotlighted by the moon
And the sparkling stars
Whose dust makes up
These rented bodies we carry
While inside heartbeats
Tick away our lives
To the beat of a flashing firefly
Or a flickering star.

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My Cathedral

Another reblog…


The wilderness
is my cathedral
Spring Trees at Sunset  (digital photo)
The sky
my steeple
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The trees
my buttresses
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Hay bales
my statuary
my stained glass
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A babbling brook
my organ
Frogs and toads
my choir
Fields of wildflowers
my incense
Thunder storms
my high mass

A very diverse congregation…

From cows


to snails and turtles

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to gazillions
of insects



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Deer sometimes come round


Butterflies abound


Moths, too


Birds of every hue



All that’s missing is you

but you worship your own way

doing charity every day

more than I can say

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Springtime Reflections

Spring sunset reflections
Of a late dusk
In the twilight of life

Night Visions


I look up and
my head swims
with delight
making me giddy
with awe.
So humbled
one being
like all others
on this earth
gazing heaven toward
under a canopy
of stars.
with infinitesimal degrees
of infinite distance.
Each a quiet distant world
in one of endless galaxies
in one of endless universes
in one of untold possibilities.

Illusion Crumbles




Age has crept up on us

like a thief in the night

I think

as I watch the clock hands

remain stuck on 1:30

as I wait

in the third doctor’s office

in six days

with my newly retired husband

ill again

with the illness

that drove him

from his beloved work

with the poorest of the poor

mentally ill

and I wonder

as I worry

about him

how did he do it

and why

and why

did he marry me

taking my major mental illness

as a dowry

and I wonder

how did it happen

that we got so old

we look at people

30 years our junior

on the TV

in the waiting room

and think ourselves

like them

but we are not

old age has crept in

like a thief in the night

were we always broken

cast under a veil

of delusion

which now becomes

seen at times

as bodies

fall ill

and age creeps in

are we finally seeing

the unreality of the “reality”?



Seeking God in New York City

DSCF8435_edited-1Riverside Park and Trapped Nature


Political Wall

DSCF8440_edited-1 Home Furnishings in the Shelter of Union Theological SeminaryDSCF8447_edited-1

Customer in Local Coffee Shop Window


Twinkling stars, infinity sky
no longer can I see,
blinded by the might of
fierce night light in the city.
Now the universe  appears
behind closed eyelids
unbound by hour on the clock.
Energy fields in the sky of day
once transported me instantly,
now I battle noise and numbers
in the megaphone metropolis.
My private piece of sky to see,
sitting in the summer sun,
in the backyard playland,
sits now in memory
along with the macro world
of insects underfoot.
The infinity of the terrestrial lawn,
now is writ on microscopic cells
inside my convoluted brain.
Our little piece of paradise
Our little barn for sale
Home now the concrete jungle.

I will find God here, too,
amid the traffic and the trash
Overcrowded cities can
team with spirituality
as manifest in Mother India,
satsangs to the barking dogs,
insistent horns
streets full of homeless.
Here, too, a camp
one block away
reminds one of the blessings
of a dwelling and food to eat
and humbles one
amid serenades
not of crickets
but of sirens
and the cooing of pigeons
or the sweetness of a sparrow.
T’is true the Divine
is manifest in nature,
easy to see there
but He dwells here, too,
in the rat filled streets
among the humble
somehow majestically in
the lowest of the low,
I would I could see Him in
the Sadhus of New York City.
His mighty kingdom
lies within the Self
bursting within the heart.

Have mercy on me, oh God,

and please open my heart

to the Compassion within!

The Grace of Presence


Oh, God,
your gentle breezes
caress my physical form.
I have been sick,
Pill sick
Mentally sick
Soul sick
for so long,
Overwhelmed by fear,
selfish concerns,
physical ills.
What has changed today?
How come today
I can see beyond the self
To the Self?
Is it so mundane
as to be due to a coolness waft of air?
Or is it a taste of infinity?
A wormhole to your realm?
An undeserved dollop of grace?
You are inside always
and yet so often I cannot feel you
at all!
And I lapse into despondency,
preoccupation with the self,
the person,
the ego.
Why today can I see Thee
In the galaxy of stars within?
Why today?
How can I keep this view
Of you?
Despite problems, illness,
please take me over,
please let me see
Thee daily within.
Please let me love you
and all who live
with wild abandon
and the diamond dazzle of compassion,
without restraint.
Tears cleanse
make amends
for my many sins,
Oh, Zephyr of air,
wafting with the perfume
of the Divine
that permeates
Please stay
forever in my heart,
and blow away
fears and tears
and usurp
the self forever!

The Magic of Moonlight


I miss the soft siren call

of the slinky moonlight,

the velvety voice of the moon

as she beckons to me

in the middle of the night

with her hypnotic magic

wielded in the wee hours.

I miss her enticing ways

calling forth

the howling of coyotes

echoing over the hills.

I miss the shadows

of the moonlight

as she luminates

the dark and empty road

and leaves behind a trail of shadows.

Cooped up in the city

nothing calls to me at 3AM

save little lights on

in the cubby holes

of the apartment house

across the street.

No slinky siren song sings

nor misty magic.

No coyotes howling here,

just the loud voices of drunks

stumbling home

in the harsh glare of streetlights.

“In the Hebrides of Scotland, it was common practice well into the nineteenth century for men to take off their caps to greet the morning sun and for women to bend their knee in reverence to the moon at night.  These were the lights of God.  They moved in an ancient harmony that spoke of the relationship of all things.  And they witnessed also to the eternal rhythm between the masculine energies and the feminine energies that commingle deep in the body of the universe.  The Celts were familiar also with the practice of being guided by the creatures.  The birds of the air, the fish of the sea, the animals of the earth had not lost their senses.  They were viewed as still being alive to the deepest rhythms of  creation and to the interrelationship between all things.”  (“Christ of the Celts” by J. Philip Newell)


The Secrets of Winter

DSCN3570_edited-3Sweet winter melancholy

assuages my soul

with its

bare branches 

reaching Godwards


its subdued light

speaks of the Almighty

in silent whispers

that are drowned out by sunlight

and the mania of summer.

Chi flows, Wind Blows


Wind blows

through tree tops

bird song

wafts in breeze


dead branches

fine perches

dragonfly on leg

don’t move


just be

like tree

see chi

in air



tiny lights

Chi flows

wind blows

Secret Spaces


The cool of green shade

steps to a secret place

locked doors of a shed

the innocence of childhood lost

in a matter of minutes

and no one knew

for years and years and years

dare break the silence even now

Grandpa did a naughty

and it remained

forgotten for years

until you shared your story

of what happened to you

there were other times

of lesser evil

but sketched in memory

enough to sting

even now

so many decades later

I have forgiven

but no longer forgotten

from so early in life

I adored him

the trust

etched deep wounds

though the misdemeanors minor

by most standards

just enough to give pause

if I see a secret place

all too inviting

for the sins


a forbidden intimacy

just enough to

add guilt and shame and fear

where they do not belong

inside me

in stillness

in the shade

Confessions of a Distant Peeping Tom


A child guard, a tied curtain…


A single mystery…


Multiple mysteries…


Eeeerie figures…


Pink curtains (one pair knotted), flower pots, fans and pizza boxes…


A sense of history…


I always wonder

feel the drama


worlds behind windows


wish I could

peep into other people’s lives

not just from curiosity


in some effort

to figure out my own.

heavenly charisma

Just wanted to share one of Marlyn’s beautiful posts on her blog, Klintal— they are all great but this one is so special.


heavenly charisma

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The Hum of Life

The reverberations of love

jump across time and space

to another receptive heart


The reverberations of suffering

resound around the earth

picked up by open souls in prayer


The reverberations of Aum

most sacred of sounds

pulses through our minds in meditation


Love brings the possibility of loss

Suffering brings a totality of pain

Aum brings the reality of God within

Denizens of the Deep


The marsh is melting


all the turtles in their hibernacula

deep down under the melting ice

will soon emerge

and the marsh will sing

the chorus of the Spring Peeper

and the salamanders will emerge

with the urge to murge

and joy and the life force

will fill the air

and lift the fog

enveloping my soul.


Away in a Manger


Unmistakable pride

in the smile

on the mother’s face

bonding with her

babe asleep beside her

in utter security

in utter trust

of their caretakers

unknowing of their future fate

at the bloody hand

of man.

The Silent Cathedral

Christmas card 2


to the silence

of the trees

they communicate

in ways

 science knows not



the fog and the snow and the mist

 the incense


 the silent cathedral

Treatise on Rumi II

The Consciousness Stream


Look carefully below

to see the stream flowing

in between the tangle of greens

and the landscape of rocks


Look carefully within

to hear the whispers of God

in between the jangle of loud thoughts

and the overgrowth of emotions


Heaven lies in the quiet

trickling like a stream

through the spaces of the silence

The Backyard Circus


Did you ever stop to think

what it is like

to hang mid-air from a leaf’s edge

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or to glide along a leaf

blowing in the breeze–

or crawl upside down

upon veined slopes of green?


or to give’s one’s all

to a loved one

stories high from the ground

hanging onto her for love

and dear life?


Such feats go on all day long,

ignored by you–

our talents unacknowledged–

because we are lowly creatures in your eyes

and yet we can do

acrobatic feats

you cannot even approximate.


Did you ever stop to think?

The Night Light Show


Tiny, twinkling stars

suffering loneliness,

fall from the sky

and become fireflies,

flickering on and off

among the trees

calling for a mate,

lighting the night sky

and exciting vision

with twinkling

and flashing lights

and one is not sure

which is which

so bewitched are we

by the show of Light.



Tread lightly

for  the wings of angels

flutter by our souls

as we plod on

in our own worlds

often unawares

of the Heaven inside us

because of the Hell of our thoughts.