Posts tagged “Animal rights

The Return of the Animals

I confess to being a springtime scrooge.  When everyone else is oohing and aahing over the warm weather, welcoming it and delighting in it, I cringe, knowing that, despite the fact that there are some magnificent  days in April, May and early June, Spring is the harbinger of the dreaded hot-humid-hazy, lazy days of summer.  Admittedly, this is a terrible attitude and a worse way to think, not living in the present at all. 

April may be the cruelest month as T.S. Elliot writes, and I concur in many aspects, except for the return of the animals.  Why?  Because the animals work their unique and miraculous magic on depressed souls and bring joy.  I once read that animals were natural anti-depressants… a very astute observation.  How a child’s face lights up with joy to touch an animal or observe one up close.  Adults, too, are wooed by their innocence.  Animals bring enchantment, enrich our lives.  That is why therapy dogs and other animals do such good work in hospitals, prisons, hospices for the dying, wherever there is misery.

The return of the animals brings music to the air, replacing the ominous gale winds of winter and the blanketed silence of snows.  Insects hum and buzz.  Birds sing and chirp.   Windows are opened wide to allow sweet- smelling, soporific breezes to blow through our houses. Little green shoots become beautiful flowers in our gardens, along side roads, in the fields.  Trees come to life again, gods of greenery.  Fat, red-breasted robins perk up the lawn in their search for worms.  And we no longer have to worry about animals starving.  The deer we see mid-March in groups, scavenging for food are thin and weak.  And the squirrels have run out of their stores as well, raiding the bird feeder which they normally leave to the birds.  A late Spring means animals will starve and die with no edible items.

And yet, with all the pleasure the return of the animals brings us, do we welcome them with open arms? No, we fumigate our land and spread pesticides all over their territory.  Many species of birds are heading towards extinction due to our use of pesticides and, generally speaking, our “development” of the land.  We destroy vernal pools, thinking them mere puddles rather than the breeding place of frogs and salamanders. We take the babies of spring– the lambs, the calves– away from their mothers and slaughter them.  Sometimes with abject cruelty, in full view of the mothers.  The mothers wail in anguish.  We break bonds stronger than the supposedly solid bond of human matrimony that nowadays fails as often as it succeeds.

In The Letter Writer, famed author, Isaac Bashevis Singer wrote: “In his thoughts, Herman spoke a eulogy for the mouse who had shared a portion of her life with him and who because of him, had left this earth. “What do they know–all these scholars, all these philosophers, all the leaders of the world–about such as you? They have convinced themselves that man, the worst transgressor of all the species, is the crown of creation. All other creatures were created merely to provide him with food, pelts, to be tormented, exterminated. In relation to them, all people are Nazis; for the animals it is an eternal Treblinka.”

This is how we repay those who bring us such joy, such love, such purity– those who uplift, save lives, care for us.  It has been said that a dog is the only creature who loves his caretaker more than he loves himself.  Dogs have it over us in this. 

Spring is almost here and, with it, the return of the animals.  Let us open our hearts to our fellow creatures and show them the appreciation they so deserve, for without them there truly will be, as Rachel Carson direly predicted, a “silent spring”.

For contributing to Michael’s home for street children in Uganda, click link below picture of Michael and Angie…

Sounds of Summer

  (Click to enlarge photos)                                                        

Coming out of the winter silence– a silence so deep that one can hear the sound of one’s own nervous system–  slowly nature’s musicians warm up in Spring.  Gradually they gather and by summer we are hearing the full orchestra of the wilderness.  There are so many sounds, one might talk of layers of sound. 

Distant sounds waft through the air like a bank of clouds floating towards us.  We hear the raucous cry of a murder of crows flying over some carrion far off in the forest.  We hear the dogs down the road barking at some intruder into their world.  From deep inside the dark woods comes the unmistakable throaty call of a turkey.  And from the field across the way, the cooing of a dove.

And then the sounds of nearness, so familiar perhaps we no longer notice them:  The wind blowing through the dark green summer leaves, each type of tree with its distinctive rustle.  The chirping of sparrows and other frequenters of the back yard.  The whine of a pair of grackles.   The frequent complaint of the ever-present blue jay. The crystalline voice of a yellow warbler singing an aria.  The plaintiff cries of a gaggle of geese flying far above.  While in a nest under the eaves fledglings squeak waiting to be fed.

Bumblebees buzz across the lawn, miraculously defying gravity with their weight and size. They mix with the menacing whirr of wasps in a huge nest overhead.  Flies and mosquitos hum literally in our ears as the occasional vibrating zum of a humming bird, jewel-like in the sun, flies around in the Joe Pie Weed.  Dragon and damsel flies whizz by and hover in the air, occasionally even landing on us.  All this reaches our ears above the constant background drone of crickets and cicadas.

As the day progresses, the late afternoon brings the intermittent twang of wood frogs hidden in the bushes, calling to each other from all directions.  It seems we are surrounded by wood frogs and tree frogs who have replaced the frenetic, unceasing peeps of the spring peepers.  Bird song reaches a crescendo and then dies down to silence for the night.  The day sounds are replaced at night by the haunting hoo-hoo of a very close, but invisible, owl.  The occasional crying baby sound of a bobcat cuts through the cricketed silence, and in the full moon the poignant howling of coyote fills the black night air, illuminated by silent fireflies.

And then there are the sounds of man and his machines.  Noise pollution.  Lawn tractors, airplanes, cars on the road, all terrain vehicles, weed wackers, motorcycles, trucks, lawn mowers, steam shovels.  The list continues and grows in strength drowning out nature’s sounds of summer.  With natural habitat dwindling, all the creatures of the wilderness are dying out or moving to last holds of their breeding grounds.  Villages have become cities, masses of land covered in concrete and asphalt and steel, punctuated by tiny pockets of manicured nature.  

Certain species of frog are becoming extinct around the world.  The bee populations are dwindling leaving us to wonder who will pollinate the flowers.   And the songbirds are dying out.   Conservation biologist, Bridget Stutchbury in her book, Silence of the Songbirds, says this is partially due to habitat loss and predation but she believes the real culprit is pesticides.  She says we are losing barn swallows, Eastern kingbirds, Kentucky warblers, bobolinks and wood thrushes.  Pesticide can kill 7 to 25 songbirds per acre of application.  As Stutchbury says we can stop this destruction by buying local and organic produce, in-season food and shade-grown coffee.  As she points out, the balance of ecosystems is at stake because birds eat the caterpillars that fell forests.  “If you take birds out of the forest, bugs are going to win.”

Though the current state of affairs looks grim there are activities one can do online to safeguard the future of the wilderness and its inhabitants.  On one website you can click for free every day to give food and aid to animals.  The address is  On other websites, if you click on the “take action” button you can become involved in lobbying for animal rights and conservation of the wilderness with a modicum of effort, signing a letter, for example.  And although you absolutely don’t have to, you can always make a donation.  A select group follows … (The Sierra Club) (The Animal Legal Defense Fund) (The Farm Sanctuary) (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) (The Humane Society) (Defenders of Wildlife)

Add your voice to the sounds of summer, speak for those who can not, and insure the future of the symphonies of summer.

Welcome to samples of my work in various art forms showcasing “Eye-locks and Other Fearsome Things.”  “Eye-locks” is a Bipolar/Asperger’s memoir in narrative form that describes the triumph of love over mental illness.

It’s 4 AM and I Miss You

(Please don’t eat my children)

It’s 4:27… 4:28… 4:29 AM

and I miss you

I hope to God you’ll awaken

and bring me coffee

and tell me something funny and I will laugh

and you will be so pleased to see

someone “get” one of your thousands of spontaneous jokes.

I miss you…

you with the beautifully streaked-with-grey, fuzzy hair

and hundreds of lines, going up, down and sideways

around the corners of your shy blue eyes.

You don’t know I am awake

missing you… your suddenly taking my hand

in yours and holding it on the sofa as

we silently watch our country self-destruct.

I hope to God you’ll awaken and all will be okay

for another day

for it is not promised

for it is not guaranteed

Nothing is.

The wonder that is you

that I found so many years ago

after being alone for so long and through so much.

Unadulterated joy you bring me

as I worry about your every breath

God keep you in his arms

and protect you

for it is 4:38 AM and I am missing you

as you lie in the arms of Morpheus

and I see lights on across the street

Others are awake

as you slumber

Time drags on as I am alone

I cannot wait for you to awaken

to see the twinkle in your eye

and the tousled hair.

I miss you

as I sit here typing and

reading of other’s lives.

It is 4:45 AM

about two more hours

for you lie

in our bed of 33 years.

It is 4:46 AM

and time goes so slowly

as I count the hours

until you awaken.

You with your gentle voice

the pleasant voice

that helped so many

as you listened to their anguish

A healer I always said you were/are.

Almost 5 AM

and I miss you.

If I miss you this much now,

oh, and here come the tears,

what of the day or night

God takes one of us away.

Or could we be so lucky

to go in each other’s arms?

My morbid mind

destroying the present with

fearing the future

It is 4:54 AM

and you have arisen

to make water.

You will stop by to see me

and ask why I am up

and ask me when I will come back to bed.

You are gone again

having returned to

the embrace of sleep

For a second the thrill of you

all tousled and concerned

shot through me.

I will come join you

and look at the lights across the way

and wait if I can’t sleep

for you to awaken

and greet me with another day

as our shared time together

zips by with a vengeance now

my time with you.

5:03… eternity

the pain in my throat and head


I should lie down

but it has been so long

since words have come

5:05 AM…5:10 AM

I feel chill

I feel pain

missing you.

5:11 AM

Let me go

lie next to you

and think of the wonder

of your presence

in our marital bed.

5:25 AM…

Elephantine Love

Veneration of the Lamb


“Lamb of God, you who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us!”

“What has happened to our instinct for unity?  The creatures know the rhythm of the earth.   They have not forgotten the oneness of which we are a part.  So in the Celtic world, they are messengers of Christ, the One who comes to reconnect us to the Heart of Being.”  (Christ of the Celts by J. Philip Newell)

Do Lions Feel?

This video should put to rest any doubt that  all animals are sentient beings.  I feel badly that this lion is trapped in a zoo but at least he was saved from death.  Obviously never forgot his saviour.

Wool Woes for Sheep

Again, a hard decision over whether to post or not to post, because the material is very disturbing.  But it seems to be better to educate people as to what is going on in farms in the United States and Australia and how sheep suffer unspeakable torture.  Why?  So man can buy wool.  Sheep, innocent sheep are in, as Isaac Bashevis Singer writes about all animals, “an eternal Treblinka. “

Please don’t buy wool.  Other materials such as Polartec are as good for keeping warm, if not better, and are good for the environment, and most importantly, no animal is harmed to make the material.

The Horrors of Horse Racing

All that you see on this video is true.  This is just the tip of the iceberg.  My brother worked on many racetracks, including Belmont, and he told us stories that were heartbreaking.  He finally got out of the race track business because he loved horses but could not abide the cruelty of how horses were treated.  The video explains…

seeing you in others…


Look at Little Black and Little White, How strong is their brotherhood! May you give unconditional love to all living beings! Look at Little Black and Little White, How strong is their brotherhood! May you give unconditional love to all living beings!

Do you spend time to chat with your parent?

If you are working and stay with your parent, most probably you might see them in the morning and evening.

If you are working and not to stay with your parent, most probably you can see your parent during weekend or long holiday.

Imagine, how lonely they are.

Every night, I’ll do my best to spend time to talk to my parent.

We are glad to have our 2 little Bodhisattva cats at home to accompany our parent while we are working.

Little black, the little kitten brought back by Little White, he is with us since young, we train him to be indoor cat.

Everyday, when we are home, mum will definitely share with us on what is happening…

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Please sign the petition and do whatever you can to stop this horrific cruelty. It is a crime of against God’s creatures and a heinous act on the part of men who call themselves human.

Ronnie's Blog




Stop the Seal Slaughter! Urge Canada to End Shameful Killing

For centuries, pregnant harp seals have migrated from Greenland down the coast of Canada, stopping each spring to give birth on the ice floes off Newfoundland. And every year, the Canadian government funds a trade in which the baby seals are massacred by club-wielding sealers from the local fishing community while their pelts remain soft enough to sell on the international fur market. The commercial seal slaughter is not a subsistence activity for native peoples but an off-season fishing industry cash grab, and it accounts for less than 1 per cent of Newfoundland’s economy.

Over the last few years, all major markets have banned seal-pelt imports, including the US, the European Union, Mexico, Taiwan and even Russia, which had been importing 95 per cent of Canadian sealskins. The only reason the Canadian government continues to defend this dead industry is…

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Animal Ghosts

The documentary, “The Ghost in Our Machine,” follows photographer, Jo-Anne McArthur as she takes pictures to show animal abuse on factory farms and how animals are helped by sanctuaries like Farm Sanctuary.  It is a disturbing film but an extremely important one.  We must rethink how we contribute to the cruelty inflicted upon dogs, cats, foxes, minks and farm animals.  Please watch the trailer below.  Jo-Anne McArthur has a book of her photographs and writings called, “We Animals.”


Blind Comraderie

Two blind cows suffering a lifetime of abuse come together for the first time…

James Bond speaks out for Whales

To sign petition, click link below:;jsessionid=B1225EDC9A25D487838A6C3C8A6F66E8.app321b?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=3337&autologin=true&s_src=EMOSONPETBGD0214BG3&utm_source=link&utm_medium=alert&utm_campaign=email

For Those Who Have No Voice


Alligator Bags, Just Desserts and….

How Not To Instagram.


Elephants NEVER forget….the bond of love.

After a very long separation, a loving reunion! Get out the handkerchiefs! If this is not love, i don’t know what is!

Soulful Eyeful


It being the holidays


loved ones









one of the most loved

one of the best teachers

a little dog


Sheep Portrait no. 2_edited-1








all innocence

all love

all pure soul


oh, to nuzzle her fur

smell her dander

feel her tongue

upon my face

and her fluffy fur

against my skin


and Dutchie

another innocent

another tactile teacher

peace personified

oh to hold her in my lap

as she sleeps

and have her total trust

lying on blue-jeaned legs

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oh for a visit

from either

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or another gift

from Ko-ko

who shared a vision

of the beyond


after she passed


no wee ones

just an ache

where love still lives

Gone is the Magic


Snow falls

in hushed tones

magically transforming all,

dressing trees in white,

lace-like filigree.

These trees now gone,

on the old dirt path,

victims of a wilderness

lost to landscaping,

taming the wild

into manicured parks,

leaving many animals now


leaving a loss

of beauty that once reigned


Caught on Video: Elephant Sunder Beaten

Warning video is very upsetting!!  You don’t have to watch it but please sign the petition for Sunder to be taken out of his current torture chamber where he is being so cruelly treated and moved to safety!

Caught on Video: Elephant Sunder Beaten.


Walking with the Alligators


Willow, a one day old baby Giraffe with its mother.
Picture credit: Ralph Daily


I had no intention of writing today, but coming upon this story and the petition that accompanied it, changed that in a heartbeat.

For as long as I can remember, the Giraffe has been the object of my affection and admiration.

There is something so regal, so fragile, so graceful, so endearing about them, how could you not love them.

In my lifetime, I have, with little shame,  amassed a collection of  Giraffes in every form,  all manner of clothing, toys for my children and my dogs of course, stationary, Christmas cards, birthday cakes, Giraffes made of  paper,  wood, copper, bisque, brass, you name it,  if it is a Giraffe anything,  I have it.

In my defense, many of the above were gifts, as my love of this animal was well-known.

But apparently, not everyone loves or cherishes…

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Cow Proves Animals Love, Think, And Act

This story says it all.  See site for a happy outcome to this story in the comments.  One farmer sees the light at least.

Violet's Vegan Comics

I just found a story here, on the website, which is a wake up call for all animal lovers who still use dairy.  Just like Deidra, the mother in this story demonstrated not only the love she had for her calf, but the complicated thought process she used in her attempt to save him:

By Holly Cheever DVM:

I would like to tell you a story that is as true as it is heartbreaking. When I first graduated from Cornell’s School of Veterinary Medicine, I went into a busy dairy practice in Cortland County. I became a very popular practitioner due to my gentle handling of the dairy cows. One of my clients called me one day with a puzzling mystery: his Brown Swiss cow, having delivered her fifth calf naturally on pasture the night before, brought the new baby to the barn and was put into the…

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Within Blue Prison Walls…

love happens

 hugs and kisses

within the pen.

Love triumphant

over blue confinement.

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Mother and Child


Proud mother,

smiling unmistakable smile

as little lamb, curled up,

sleeps safely beside her,

for now.


 both mother and child

will cry anguished tears,

 suffer a searing separation,

as they take little one away,

hopefully out of sight and sound

of mother,

to bring little lamb to slaughter

for a holiday meal.

Innocence Sacrificed


Newborn lambs

eat joyfully

and frolic freely,

 with abundant abandon

and love for life,

in utter oblivion

 of the upcoming holiday

for which so many will die.