Posts tagged “Monarch butterflies

Turtle Tears

It is before dawn on a moonlit night.  The moon has swept the trees and grass in silver.  I await the sun.  The moon wakes me to whisper about the silent beauty of the predawn hours.  The yard is white magic and I imagine a monarch butterfly now sleeping,  awaken to find a turtle to drink its tears. Monarch butterflies drink turtle tears.  Why are the turtles crying? They cry for the ailing earth.  They cry for those who suffer.  They cry for the dying.   They cry for those striving to become one with all.  They cry for the sap in the trees flowing.  They cry for the animals who are constantly on guard for their lives.  They cry for the bird egg which will not ever hatch.  They cry for the dying stars in an ever expanding universe.  They cry for the unawareness of the high and mighty.  Turtle tears are like diamonds sparkling in candlelight. like dew drops on a drooping Lily of the Valley.  Come now to drink my tears, dear Monarch.  Your beauty gladdens my heart.  Your heart drops manna from the heavens into my soul.  Come now, dear Monarch.  Come lick the dew drops in my eyes. 

Turtle Tears

It is before dawn on a moonlit night. The moon has swept the trees and grass in silver. I await the sun. The moon woke me to whisper about the silent beauty of the predawn hours. The yard is white magic and I imagine a monarch butterfly now sleeping, awaken to find a turtle so it can drink its tears. Monarch butterflies drink turtle tears. Why are the turtles crying? They cry for the ailing earth. They cry for those who suffer. They cry for the dying. They cry for those striving to become one with all. They cry for the sap in the trees flowing. They cry for the animals who are constantly on guard for their lives. They cry for the bird egg which will not ever hatch. They cry for the dying stars in an ever expanding universe. They cry for the unawareness of the high and mighty. Turtle tears are like diamonds sparkling in candlelight, like rain drops on a drooping Lily of the Valley. Come now to drink my tears, dear Monarch. Your beauty gladdens my heart. Your heart drops manna from the heavens into my soul. Come now, dear Monarch. Come lick the dew drops in my eyes.